/* ** Sets up theme defaults and registers support for various WordPress features */ function royal_elementor_kit_setup() { // Add default posts and comments RSS feed links to head add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' ); // Let WordPress manage the document title for us add_theme_support( 'title-tag' ); // Enable support for Post Thumbnails on posts and pages add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' ); // Custom Logo add_theme_support( 'custom-logo', [ 'height' => 100, 'width' => 350, 'flex-height' => true, 'flex-width' => true, ] ); add_theme_support( 'custom-header' ); // Add theme support for Custom Background. add_theme_support( 'custom-background', ['default-color' => ''] ); // Set the default content width. $GLOBALS['content_width'] = 960; // This theme uses wp_nav_menu() in one location register_nav_menus( array( 'main' => __( 'Main Menu', 'royal-elementor-kit' ), ) ); // Switch default core markup for search form, comment form, and comments to output valid HTML5 add_theme_support( 'html5', array( 'comment-form', 'comment-list', 'gallery', 'caption', ) ); // Gutenberg Embeds add_theme_support( 'responsive-embeds' ); // Gutenberg Widge Images add_theme_support( 'align-wide' ); // WooCommerce in general. add_theme_support( 'woocommerce' ); // zoom. add_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-zoom' ); // lightbox. add_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-lightbox' ); // swipe. add_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-slider' ); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'royal_elementor_kit_setup' ); /* ** Enqueue scripts and styles */ function royal_elementor_kit_scripts() { // Theme Stylesheet wp_enqueue_style( 'royal-elementor-kit-style', get_stylesheet_uri(), array(), '1.0' ); // Comment reply link if ( is_singular() && comments_open() && get_option( 'thread_comments' ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' ); } } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'royal_elementor_kit_scripts' ); /* ** Notices */ require_once get_parent_theme_file_path( '/inc/activation/class-welcome-notice.php' ); require_once get_parent_theme_file_path( '/inc/activation/class-rating-notice.php' ); add_action( 'after_switch_theme', 'rek_activation_time'); add_action('after_setup_theme', 'rek_activation_time'); function rek_activation_time() { if ( false === get_option( 'rek_activation_time' ) ) { add_option( 'rek_activation_time', strtotime('now') ); } } InToTo | Health

"Decoding Collective Health"

"Decoding Collective Health"

InToTo Health Space

InToTo Health Space

InToTo Health Kiosk

InToTo Health Kiosk

InToTo Health Caretaker

InToTo ealth Caretaker

"Decoding Collective Health"


InToTo Health Spaces

It is a science-based program engineered with an interdisciplinary approach with advanced ai enablement to achieve consistent solution delivery at scale.

Own Your Health

It provides an opportunity to turn around any personal health short comings through objective systems and pragmatic process.

Healthcare Delivery Through Deeptech

IoT and edge AI-based devices specifically designed for InToTo Health Spaces enable
dynamic programs that adapt based on the individual's needs

How is InToTo an inclusive healthcare partner?

Promotive, Proactive & Preventive Healthcare

Continuous Monitoring & Managed Care

Optimising Collective Health

InToTo Health and its services covers a broad spectrum of healthcare through promotive, proactive, preventive approach.
This leads to definitive improvement in collective health & avert any risks posed by increasing lifestyle disorders.

Optimising Personal Health & Quality of Life

Optimising Collective Health

InToTo Health and its services covers a broad spectrum of healthcare through promotive, proactive, preventive approach.
This leads to definitive improvement in collective health & avert any risks posed by increasing lifestyle disorders.

Optimising Personal Health & Quality of Life


Preventive, comprehensive and integrated personalized healthcare refers to a holistic approach that focuses on proactive measures to maintain and improve employee health. It encompasses various services, such as health screening, wellness programs, chronic disease management and personalized care plans. By prioritizing prevention and adopting a integrated healthcare approach, corporates can enhance employee well-being, reduce personalized healthcare costs and improve productivity.

InToTo Health offers comprehensive personalized healthcare solutions by combining clinical excellence, cutting edge technology and personalized care plans to deliver a holistic healthcare experience. InToTo Health focuses on preventive measures, early detection and health management for long term health and well-being.

We work closely with corporate clients to understand their unique needs and goals. Our process involves conducting a thorough assessment of the organisation’s health landscape through screening and integrating a preventive and health management program seamlessly into existing workflows, and providing ongoing support and monitoring to ensure the program’s success.

Data security and privacy is of paramount important to us. We follow strict industry standards and compliance regulations to protect sensitive health information. Our systems employ robust encryption measures, access control, and secure data storage to safeguard employee data at all time.

We employ various metrics to assess the program effectiveness that include advanced analytics, employee feedback surveys, assessment of management programs and healthcare utilisation metrics. These measures help us evaluate the impact of our programs, identify areas of improvements and track overall health and well-being of employees.

Welcome to InToTo health where we are driven by a deep passion to revolutionize collective health.

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